Bandedwinged whitefly is a relatively uncommon pest of cotton. Infestations may occur at any time but are most commonly observed late in the season. Adults are small, white, moth-like insects feeding on the undersides of leaves and readily fly when disturbed. Immatures are immobile and also found on the undersides of leaves. Both adults and immatures feed on sap (phloem) similar to aphids, and like aphids, the presence of honeydew and sticky leaves is a sign of infestations. Yield loss may occur when infestations are high and especially when plants are already under drought stress. Sooty mold may develop on leaves and lint. For more information on visit the Cotton Insects Bandedwinged Whitefly Fact Sheet (W023).

The presence of honeydew or sooty mold is a sign of infestation. Look on the undersides of leaves for the presence of adults or immatures. Adults will often fly when disturbed.

Treat when whiteflies are present on most plants and particularly if honeydew is accumulating on leaves. A second application made at a 4-5 day interval may be required in some cases, depending upon the insecticide used and the intensity of infestation.

Management options

  • Infestations are often associated with repeated insecticide applications for other pests that have disrupted populations of natural enemies. Avoid unnecessary insecticide applications.