Close-up of Target Spot Lesion
Photo Credit: Heather Kelly – UT
Target spot is caused by the fungus Corynespora Cassiicola that overwinters in diseased debris and can survive in fallow soil for more than 2 years. Symptoms appear in the lower canopy as brown round to irregular lesions sometimes with a yellow halo. Lesions vary from specks to mature spots 10-15 mm or more in diameter. Some lesions are distinctly zonate, hence the common name.
- Most commercial cultivars are tolerant to the disease.
- Target spot has rarely been reported to affect yield and it is not recommended to apply a fungicide for management. Resistance to benomyl has been reported.

Target Spot with Halo
Photo Credit: Heather Kelly -UT

Varying Lesions of Target Spot
Photo Credit: Heather Kelly – UT